Tuesday 15 January 2013

Harms and effects of cosmetic surgery!

What is cosmetic surgery? What are the effects of cosmetic surgery and why shouldn't we take cosmetic surgery?

It is a medical specialization concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. But in my words it is when a person is ready to go under a knife for certain reasons, especially youngsters.
No matter how good the technological advancements may be, there is always the risk of not only the surgery resulting in unwanted outcomes, but in some cases even death.
Like any other surgery, cosmetic surgery comes with its own risks, which one needs to be fully aware of before going for it.
Some people experience a drop in their blood pressure, which is considered completely normal after a cosmetic surgery. However, if there is a sudden drop in the blood pressure due to blood loss then it could result in irregular heartbeat and sometimes even cause a heart attack.

Bleeding:  One of the most common post-surgery problems faced by many people is bleeding. While a little bleeding is quite normal, excessive bleeding can lead to various complications. Complications may occur due to formation of blood clot or haematoma, skin sores and becomes purplish in colour and compression of skin tissues, which results in reduction of oxygen flow, which causes numbness and leads to the death of skin.

Scars: Scars usually occur after a surgery in the areas where the surgery was done. Scars are caused when the edge of the skin thickens. Most experienced surgeons should be able to hide scars and they will be least visible. Surgeons try their best to do the operation in those areas of the body where they are hardly noticeable.
Necrosis: Sometimes the insufficient supply of oxygen results in the death of tissues especially in the area operated on. The chance of developing necrosis is high in the case of face lift and tummy tuck. Cell death is also caused due to diseases like cancer, severe inflammation, presence of venom, serious injury, etc.
These are just some of the risks, let’s not forget big diseases like skin cancer, many surgeries even go wrong and need to be redone. Cosmetic surgery is such that we have to constantly maintain it and visit the doctors, it’s not a one-time process.

According to a new report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2011, Americans had 13.8 million cosmetic procedures, 91 percent of all plastic surgery procedures were performed in women, as as u know, cosmetic surgery is booming day by day, which is resulting in the competition among the medical market, they are bringing special packages and discounts in order to beat each others off and attract more customers, due to this, people who maybe cant afford to go for surgery before also get to go for it  now! This may also temp teenagers more than before, people are tempted by the results of celebrities, who end up more beautifull n pretty after surgery. According to the report, botox and breast augmentation are 2 of the main procedures, teenagers need to understand that there are not 100% physically mature to go for it, and they should learn to live with realistic beauty for example they easily get tempted if her boyfriends or friends says ur lips are alittle too big or ur nose is o wide spread.
The thing we need to realize is that, there is no use in going under a knife and being cut when we already have been accepted into our community and will always be. We should live our lives in reality, concentrating on becoming beautiful from inside rather than become beautiful just physically! Because its inside what matters not the body!

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